So, it's started and it's not half bad.
Every Sunday for 8-9 hours I will study Korean
These classes are free.
Yes, that's right.
If you take the KIIP program intro test,
you can learn Korean for free from fantastic instructors.
Here is what it looks like when you log in after you take your exam:
As you can see I'm in Beginner 2.
Now, don't let the term beginner trick you here.
Beginner 2 is taught entirely in Korean.
It means you are functional in the language,
but not able to do many advanced things.
After you find your level, they give you a list of places
offering up the courses you need
on different schedules
in different locations.
I chose the 9 hours every Sunday class.
The students and the teachers are all very nice.
The only language we have in common is Korean
so you must talk and listen or it's going to be pretty tough.
Right now, I'm studying with
two Chinese men and a Vietnamese woman
which has meant the insides scoop on great food.
Finally I know where to get amazing Pho.
That isn't the only perk
to studying with people from many countries.
In the past, it's been too easy for me to wuss out
and just fill in the holes with English.
In these classes I've gotta stick to my guns.
It's Korean or nothing.
Of course, the biggest benefit
to completing this language program
is that it gives you all 15 or more language points
for your F-2-7 points visa.
Yah, that's right.
If you go all the way through this program
and pass the language test,
no TOPIK exam results needed.
Go straight to 15 or more points.
That's what I'm talking about.